Natural Cures for Female Dryness

Estimated read time 8 min read

What is female dryness?

Female dryness, also known as vaginal dryness, refers to a condition in which the vaginal walls experience a reduced level of moisture and lubrication. This can lead to discomfort, irritation, and even pain. Female dryness can impact both sexual and non-sexual activities, causing discomfort during intercourse, daily movements, and even exercise. A persistent condition of female dryness can affect of a woman’s relationships, psychology, and emotions negatively. Exploring some natural cures for female dryness can improve dramatically the quality of life for women with this condition.

What Keeps the Vaginal Area Moist?

Vaginal secretory glands

Moisture is produced for everyday comfort during sexual and non-sexual activities by the combination of various glands within the vaginal canal and the surrounding areas, including:

  1. Bartholin’s Glands: Located on either side of the vaginal opening, these glands secrete small amounts of fluid to help keep the vulva and vaginal entrance moist.
  2. Skene’s Glands: Also known as the paraurethral glands, they are located near the urethra and contribute to vaginal moisture.
  3. Vaginal Wall Glands: The vaginal walls themselves contain mucous-producing cells that contribute to the natural moisture of the vaginal canal.
  4. Cervical Glands: The cervix secretes mucus that helps maintain vaginal moisture and health. Cervical mucus changes in consistency throughout the menstrual cycle, becoming thinner and more conducive to sperm transport during ovulation.

The combination of these mechanisms works to provide the moisture necessary for daily comfort and health. The action of these glands is controlled by female hormones, particularly estrogen. A decrease in estrogen levels, which can be due to changes in the menstrual cycle, causes a decrease in the amount of moisture secreted by these glands.

Seasonal Variations and Menstrual Cycle

Vaginal dryness before period

The menstrual cycle can influence vaginal moisture levels. Hormonal changes throughout the cycle, particularly estrogen fluctuations, affect the amount of moisture produced. Some women may notice increased moisture around ovulation (rise in estrogen levels) and temporary dryness just before and during menstruation (low level of estrogen).

Vaginal dryness in drier seasons

Some studies suggest that women were more likely to report vaginal dryness during the winter months than during the summer months. This may be due to the relatively low humidity (drier air) in winter than in summer.

Sexual Arousal and Intercourse

Arousal often begins with psychological cues, such as sexual thoughts, fantasies, or sensory stimuli. These cues activate the brain’s sexual response centers, leading to the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemicals create feelings of excitement and anticipation, setting the stage for the physical response.

During arousal, secretions from cervical mucous glands, Bartholin’s Glands, Skene’s Glands, and Vaginal Wall Glands are increased, ensuring that the vagina has enough lubrication for intercourse. Further, engorgement of vaginal capillaries forces more fluid into the vaginal lumen.

What makes a woman dry during intercourse?

Both estrogen and female androgens play a role in a woman’s sexual interest. Female androgens particularly are responsible for women’s sexual interest and libido, lower levels of it may decrease libido and desire, which can negatively affect a woman’s arousal and cause female dryness during intercourse.

Factors that reduce a woman’s estrogen levels, such as stress, before and during menstruation, breast-feeding, menopause and others can make a woman dry during intercourse.

Solving the issue of low libido and sexual interest is important when considering natural cures for female dryness.

Impact And Effect of Female Dryness

Female dryness can have various impacts on a woman’s physical, emotional, and sexual well-being:

  • Physical Discomfort: Vaginal dryness can lead to physical discomfort and irritation, causing sensations of burning, itching, or a raw feeling in the vaginal area.
  • Painful Intercourse: Insufficient lubrication can make sexual intercourse painful and uncomfortable, leading to decreased sexual satisfaction and avoidance of sexual activity.
  • Urinary Symptoms: Vaginal dryness may be associated with increased urinary symptoms, such as frequent urination, urinary urgency, and even urinary tract infections (UTIs).
  • Inflammation and Microtears: Dryness can make the vaginal tissues more prone to inflammation and microtears, which can further contribute to discomfort and pain during sexual activity.
  • Impact on Sexual Desire: Discomfort and pain during intercourse can lead to a decrease in sexual desire and arousal, affecting overall sexual well-being.
  • Emotional Distress: The physical discomfort and impact on sexual intimacy can lead to emotional distress, anxiety, and reduced self-esteem.
  • Relationship Strain: Vaginal dryness can strain intimate relationships, causing frustration and communication challenges between partners.
  • Avoidance of Sexual Activity and Satisfaction: Women experiencing dryness may avoid sexual activity altogether to avoid discomfort, leading to a decline in overall sexual activity and satisfaction.
  • Reduced Lubrication for Daily Activities: Beyond sexual intimacy, vaginal dryness can impact everyday activities like walking, exercising, and wearing certain clothing, leading to discomfort and irritation.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Discomfort and irritation in the genital area can lead to sleep disturbances, affecting overall quality of life.
  • Impact on Fertility: In some cases, vaginal dryness can impact fertility by making it more challenging for couples trying to conceive.

Causes Of Vaginal Dryness?

 Female dryness can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, particularly a decrease in estrogen levels, are a common cause of vaginal dryness. This can occur during menopause, perimenopause, breastfeeding, and certain medical treatments like chemotherapy.
  • Menopause: Menopause leads to a significant drop in estrogen levels, resulting in thinning and drying of the vaginal walls.
  • Perimenopause: The transitional period before menopause can also bring about hormonal fluctuations and vaginal dryness.
  • Childbirth and Breastfeeding: Hormonal changes during and after childbirth, as well as during breastfeeding, can lead to temporary vaginal dryness.
  • Medications: Certain medications such as hormonal contraceptives, antihistamines, and some antidepressants can contribute to decreased vaginal lubrication.
  • Medical Conditions: Medical conditions like Sjögren’s syndrome, autoimmune disorders, urinary tract infections, endometriosis, and certain cancer treatments can impact vaginal health and moisture.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Emotional factors like stress and anxiety can affect the body’s natural response to sexual arousal and impact vaginal lubrication.
  • Smoking: Smoking can negatively affect blood circulation and contribute to vaginal dryness.
  • Lack of Sexual Interest and Arousal: A low sexual libido and an insufficient sexual arousal or foreplay can lead to inadequate stimulation of the glands responsible for lubrication.
  • Hygiene Products: Harsh soaps, douches, and scented products can disrupt the natural vaginal pH balance and lead to dryness.
  • Dehydration: Inadequate hydration can affect overall bodily functions, including vaginal moisture, especially during drier seasons such as winter.
  • Aging: Aging can lead to decreased estrogen production and changes in vaginal tissues, resulting in reduced natural lubrication.
  • Chemotherapy and Radiation: Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can impact vaginal tissues and lead to dryness.
  • Allergic Reactions: Allergic reactions to certain materials, such as latex condoms or spermicides, can cause irritation and dryness.

Natural Cures for Female Dryness

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help maintain overall hydration and support healthy vaginal moisture levels.

Herbal Remedies and Supplements

Certain herbs like fenugreek, red clover, and black cohosh are believed to support vaginal health. These contain phytoestrogens which mimic the effects of estrogen and improve the secretion of the vaginal glands. Some “yoni” or intimate creams incorporate these chemicals and could be good natural cure for female dryness. Consult a healthcare professional before using herbal remedies.

Choose a water-based lubricant

Use water-based lubricants during daily activities if needed, rather than petroleum-based lubricants, to alleviate discomfort.

Diet Is Key among the Natural Cures for Female Dryness

A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins can contribute to vaginal health. Include foods like fatty fish, flaxseeds, leafy greens, and fruits. In addition, healthy diets can slow the effect of aging on a person’s overall health.

Avoid Irritants

Use mild, fragrance-free soaps and avoid scented hygiene products that can disrupt the natural vaginal pH and cause dryness.

Clothing Choices

Wear breathable, cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting pants or synthetic fabrics that can trap moisture and heat and bring discomfort.


Consuming probiotic-rich foods or supplements can help maintain a healthy balance of vaginal flora.

Natural Oils

Some natural oils, such as coconut oil or olive oil, can provide gentle moisturization to the vaginal area. Always do a patch test first.

Avoid Harsh Cleansers

Over-cleansing the vaginal area can strip away natural moisture. These kinds of cleansers can kill the normal microflora in the vagina and destabilize the microbial biome and pH of the vagina. Use plain water for cleaning.

Kegel Exercises

These exercises can help improve blood flow to the pelvic region and support vaginal health.

Manage Stress

High-stress levels can affect hormonal balance. Stress releases or increase the level of stress hormone cortisol in women and may lower estrogen levels. A relaxing outing and non-sexual activities and touches with a partner can better improve a woman’s mood for sex. Practicing relaxation techniques can positively impact vaginal health.

Scheduling Sexual Activity

Having a schedule or timetable for sexual activity can have improve female lubrication. The advantage of heightened anticipation and excitement can better prepare the woman’s body for sex.

Sexual Activity

Engaging in regular sexual activity can help stimulate blood flow to the genital area and promote vaginal health.

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